검색어 "Dance Performance"에 대한 검색결과 "총 17건"

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<2024 공공외교랩소디 - VIBE VOYAGE(교류하는, 여행)> 개최 및 예매 안내 2024.07.17
...ronics); together, they d RAAl (toy instrument, vocals, synthesizer, performance and dance) and later changed their name to Tengger, which means “boundless...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
[하와이대학교 한국학센터 도서관] 임기령 4개월차 2015.04.20
...orn Collection documents from Henthorn's research files (39) Halla Huhm Dance Collection photographs/films/newspaper clippings/performance programs/correspondence/awards/and other related ephemera documenti...
한국국제교류재단 > KF 글로벌 챌린저 > 활동 게시판
<2023 공공외교랩소디 – Melodies without Borders> 개최 및 예매 안내 2023.08.28
...rkshops about the Indian classical dance "Odissi" and West African dance. ...le will present a collaborative performance with Senegalese kora master Ab...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
2020-2021 해외단체한국문화예술행사지원 사업 공모 선정결과 2019.12.19
... Marymount University U.S.A Korean Dance, Dress, and Music Series 12 Nafas... and Literatures U.S.A ‘Crossroads of Youth' Narrative Performance USA Tour
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
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알기쉬운 싱가포르(2018) 2022.12.28

알기쉬운 싱가포르(2018)

...앙상블의 통과의례 “The Rite of Passage” by Dance Ensemble Singapore (DES)¿ ‘알기쉬운 싱...r 19 and 20, featuring a Peranakan dance performance.    The event was co-...
아세안문화원 > 교육/체험/복합 > 아카이브_복합
다시보는 아세안 공연(통과의례, 베이비마임쇼, 비바 아세안) 2022.12.29

다시보는 아세안 공연(통과의례, 베이비마임쇼, 비바 아세안)

...   Replay “The Rite of Passage” by Dance Ensemble Singapore. The ASEAN Cul...esent you a recording of a live performance by Dance Ensemble Singapore(DE...
아세안문화원 > 전시/공연/행사 > 아카이브_공연
KF Gallery Open Stage1 Royal Dance & Traditional Music from Okinawa 2021.04.29

KF Gallery Open Stage1 Royal <font color='red'>Dance</font> & Traditional Music from Okinawa

...ts the traditional music and royal dance of Okinawa, Japan, in conjunction...h Japan Foundation, Seoul. This performance of traditional Okinawa sanshin...
한국국제교류재단 > 아츠미디어
[Shaping the Future Together] Ep. 3 Courage, Face Challenges–Jinjo Crew/Something Cold by Echae Kang 2021.04.16

[Shaping the Future Together] Ep. 3 Courage, Face Challenges–Jinjo Crew/Something Cold by Echae Kang

...es (Artists: Jinjo Crew, music by Echae Kang) Jinjo Crew's beautiful performance at the Yoomin Art Nouveau Collection! Today, we present the dance of Jinjo Crew, who swept the world's top five b-boy competitions with ...
한국국제교류재단 > 아츠미디어
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