검색어 "dessert cooking class"에 대한 검색결과 "총 5건"

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알기쉬운 라오스(2018) 2022.12.28

알기쉬운 라오스(2018)

...음식문화체험(“Easy Access ASEAN” – Laos Cooking Class and Culinary Experience)¿ ...repare Laos' signature dishes and dessert, Larb(Laab), Nam Van Sago and Kh...
아세안문화원 > 교육/체험/복합 > 아카이브_복합
알기쉬운 말레이시아(2018) 2022.12.28

알기쉬운 말레이시아(2018)

...s of the program was the Malaysia cooking class where participants learnt ...e Malaysia's signature dishes and dessert, Onde onde, Sirap Bandung, and R...
아세안문화원 > 교육/체험/복합 > 아카이브_복합
알기쉬운 필리핀(2018) 2022.12.28

알기쉬운 필리핀(2018)

...f the program was the Philippines cooking class where participants learnt ...hilippines's signature dishes and dessert, Chicken Adobo, Sago at Gulaman....
아세안문화원 > 교육/체험/복합 > 아카이브_복합
아세안 요리 레시피 카드&동영상 2023.01.04

아세안 요리 레시피 카드&동영상

...e House (ACH) regularly hosts its cooking classes as part of its “Easy Acc...he dish featured in the Cambodian cooking class. Kor trey is a Cambodian-s...
아세안문화원 > 교육/체험/복합 > 아카이브_체험
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