KF supports AAS-in-Asia Conference and KF Special Round Table
The KF will be giving its full support to the 2017 conference of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS), which is to be held in Seoul from June 24 through 27. The meeting, entitled “AAS-in-Asia 2017,” will be attended by approximately 1,200 scholars from more than 30 countries.
The KF will host the KF Special Round Table jointly with AAS. The KF roundtable discussion will be themed “Korean Studies Past, Present, and Future: Moving Beyond Boundaries Towards Multi-Disciplinary, Transnational, and Alternative Approaches” with participation from prominent Korean studies scholars from the United States, Britain, Canada, Japan, and other countries who seek insights on the future of Korean studies for the betterment of the field.
* Detailed information is available at the AAS-in-Asia 2017 website (www.asian-studies.org/Conferences/AAS-in-ASIA-Conferences/Seoul-2017home)