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Peace Corps Volunteers Revisit Korea

KF Archives > Peace Corps Volunteers Revisit Korea
Peace Corps Volunteers Revisit Korea

Eighty former US Peace Corps volunteers and their families will visit Korea at the invitation of the KF on September 29–October 6. The volunteers served for Korea’s development in the 1960s and 1970s in the fields of health and education.
  The Peace Corps was founded in 1961 to dispatch volunteers to foreign countries. Today, its volunteers are working in 140 countries worldwide. Awareness of the Peace Corps among the Korean public was heightened by former US Ambassador to Korea Kathleen Stephens, who in her youth taught at a Korean middle school for two years as a Peace Corps volunteer. Christopher Hill, former US Ambassador to Korea and Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia and Pacific Affairs, and several other notable figures also served as Peace Corps volunteers across the developing world.
  Many returning to Korea for the first time in 30 years, the former volunteers and their families will experience the changes in Korea firsthand. They will also visit the KOICA to see how Korea has grown from a beneficiary of US Peace Corps volunteers’ service to a nation that sends over 4,000 volunteers a year overseas.
  The KF has invited some 570 former Peace Corps Volunteers and their families to Korea from 2008 to 2013.

Korea 9/29-10/6 Invitation and Fellowship Depar 02-2151-6557 mhpark@kf.or.kr