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[Meeting Korean Culture Abroad] Kimjang Project Listed in British Library’s Web Archive

KF Features > [Meeting Korean Culture Abroad] Kimjang ProjectListed in British Library’s Web Archive
[Meeting Korean Culture Abroad]Kimjang Project Listed in British Library’s Web Archive

Kimchi is the most distinctive and widely loved Korean dish around theworld, without which Korean dining is never complete. Few know,however, that kimchi is officially included in the British Library’sUK Web Archive by way of the websitewww.kimjangproject.comThis is significant as it is proof of the UK’s recognition of kimchiand the kimchi-making tradition of kimjang as aspects ofcultural heritage worthy of preservation.

“Kimjang: Making and Sharing Kimchi” is a project that archives andmakes available everything about kimchi. This includes informationabout kimchi and kimjang from the World Institute of Kimchi,explanations of the core community values symbolized by kimchi andkimjang, introductions to various kinds of kimchi local todifferent parts of Korea and their characteristics, and recipes thatmake use of kimchi.

According to the World Institute of Kimchi, “Kimjang: Making andSharing Kimchi” was the first project launched with the support of theUK National Lottery to enter the UK Web Archive. Calling thisinclusion “a positive signal for the globalization of kimchi,” theinstitute expressed a wish to continue supporting the promotion ofkimchi and kimjang culture in more countries. “Kimjang: Makingand Sharing Kimchi” brings hope to those working to achieve theglobalization of kimchi, and it is greatly hoped that similarendeavors will be carried out in as many places around the world aspossible.