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The Power and Pleasure of Possessions in Korean Painted Screens Exhibition Tour of the U.S.A.

  • KF Activities
  • The Power and Pleasure of Possessions in Korean Painted Screens Exhibition Tour of the U.S.A.

The Power and Pleasure of Possessions
in Korean Painted Screens Exhibition Tour of the U.S.A.

The KF is hosting a touring exhibition of Korean folding screen paintings, which will be shown in three U.S. galleries starting September 29. Co-hosted by Gallery Hyundai, the exhibition is being presented at the Charles B. Wang Center of Stony Brook University in New York (September 29–December 13, 2016), the Spencer Museum of Art at the University of Kansas (April 8–June 19, 2017), and the Cleveland Museum of Art (July 22–October 22, 2017). Folding screen paintings from the study rooms of Joseon-era scholars will be presented alongside contemporary adaptations by Hong Kyung-taek and Kang Aeran, comprising 35 pieces. To accentuate the exhibition paintings, each venue has prepared a variety of supplemental events, such as informational lectures, an academic conference, and a folk painting workshop. Korean folding screen paintings, which have been infrequently exhibited in the United States thus far, present an opportunity to broaden the American public’s awareness about the importance of education and scholarship in Korea’s traditional culture as well as the originality of Korean art.
  Some of the works to be exhibited were previously displayed at the Seoul Arts Center in an exhibition titled Court and Folk Paintings of the Joseon Dynasty: Munja-do and Chaekgeori, which continued until August 28.

Event Schedule

  • home   Charles B. Wang Center, SUNY Stony Brook, U.S.A.
  • date   9/29–12/23
  • call   Culture and Arts Department