...11 in der 3. Etage statt. Zum 1. Mal in diesem Jahr wird außerdem ein „Hanbok“-Event stattfinden. „Hanbok“-Event: Hanbok (Aussprache: [haːn.bok̚];) ist die traditionelle korean...
... 한복 체험 콘텐츠 Interactive Experience Hanbok 인터랙티브 콘텐츠 Interactive content 고구려...ants to don an array of exquisite hanbok (traditional Korean attire) from ...
... Besonderheiten der koreanischen Sprache spielerisch erlernen. Bei der Hanbok-Anprobe können die Besucher in die traditionellen koreanischen Trachte...
...남았습니다. 그동안 했던 일을 잘 마무리하고 귀국할 수 있도록 준비 중입니다. 마지막까지 열심히 하겠습니다. 그림1: 박물관 웹사이트에 출판된 한복 소개 글 https://www.vam.ac.uk/articles/hanbok-traditional-korean-dress
...ociety, history and arts through 20 individual video clips. (Subjects: Hanbok, King Sejong the Great, Confucianism, Kimchi, Korean Pottery, Korea's ...
...society, history and artsthrough 20 individual video clips. (Subjects: Hanbok, KingSejong the Great, Confucianism, Kimchi, Korean Pottery,Korea's Tr...
...ociety, history and arts through 20 individual video clips. (Subjects: Hanbok, King Sejong the Great, Confucianism, Kimchi, Korean Pottery, Korea's ...