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[싱크탱크] 독일 국제지역연구원 (GIGA) 이수연 4개월차

  • 등록일 2016.06.13

안녕하세요. 독일 함부르크 GIGA연구소 인턴십 4개월차 보고서입니다. 시간이 너무 빨리 흘러 이제인턴십 기간이 2개월 가량 밖에 남지 않았네요.

이번 달에 참가한 행사 및 세미나는 다음과 같습니다. 

1. GIGA Research Seminar
    (04. 05. 2016, main building) 
    - Title: "How do autocrats legitimate their rule? Frist finding from a new regime legitimation expert  survey" 
    by Christian von Soest and Julia Grauvogel

2. IAS Jour Fixe
    (10. 05. 2016, IAS)
    Meeting with all IAS colleagues

3. The ILAS and the RP3 Presedntation
    (18. 05. 2016, Main building)
    - Title: “Brazilian Development cooperation before and after the economic crisis”
    by André de Mello e Souza (researcher at the IPEA, a Brazilian governmental think-tank)

4. RP1, RP4 and the ILAS presentation
    (19. 05. 2016, main builidng)

    -Title: “Autocratic Legalism in the Era of Economic Ruin:  Venezuela Today”
    by Javier Corrales (professor of Political Science at Amherst College in Amherst, Massachusetts)

    - Tilte: “The Policy Making Capacities of Latin American Foreign Ministries: A Study of Argentina,   Brazil and Mexico, 1946-2015”
     by Andrés Malamud  

5. DP Colloquium
    (25. 05. 2016, Main Building)

    - Tiltle: “Structural change in Mexico from the perspective of microenterprises”.
    by Ana Karen Negrete García,
    Discussant; Tabea Lakemann

    -Title: “The Andean region and emerging powers: Between autonomy and a new dependency”
    by Ximena Zapata
    Discussant; Eduardo Velosa

6. Podiumsdiskussion
    (26. 05. 2016, HKIC-Hörsaal , Handelskammer InnovationsCampus)

    -Title: "Die Wahrnehmung Chinas in Europa: Starker Wirtschaftspartner mit schwierigem Image?“

    -Begrüßung durch Corinna Nienstedt (Geschäftsführerin, Geschäftsbereich International, Handelskammer Hamburg) 
    -Grußwort von Li Xiaosi (Gesandter der chinesischen Botschaft)
    -Vortrag von Dr. Günter Schucher (GIGA)
    -Vortrag von Dr. Margot Schüller (GIGA)

    • Torsten Küpper (Vice President und Director Corporate &Public Affairs Huawei          Technologies Deutschland)
    • Prof. Dr. Eberhard Sandschneider (Otto-Wolff-Direktor der Deutschen Gesellschaft          für Auswärtige Politik, Berlin)
    • Dr. Günter Schucher (Senior Research Fellow, GIGA)
    • Dr. Margot Schüller (Senior Research Fellow, GIGA)
    •• Moderation: Corinna Nienstedt (Geschäftsführerin, Geschäftsbereich International,       Handelskammer Hamburg)

7. IAS-RP 1-RP 4 research seminar
    (30. 05. 2016, main building)

    Title: "Global Power Shifts and the Future of Democracy: An Evolutionary Approach, with Special Attention to China".
    by John Owen (professor of the University of Virginia)