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[싱크탱크] 스웨덴 스톡홀름국제평화연구소 (SIPRI) 정연주 4개월차

  • 등록일 2016.06.28

My name is Yeonju Jung who has been working in Stockholm International Peace Research Institute(SIPRI), particularly in Security and Development Programme which looks at the long-term causes of insecurity and tries to develop paths to sustainable peace.

In May, I mainly worked on Women’s Participation in Political Process Project, which uses a systematic approach to review the breadth of studies on women’s participation and assess the impact of it. (https://www.sipri.org/research/conflict-and-peace/peace-and-development/peace-operations-and-conflict-management/gender-marginalization-and-insecurity/womens-participation-political-processes) By the end of the month, first round of reading has been completed and there was internal workshop to review, discuss about findings and brainstorm for the article paper.  

Apart from working on the project, I participated some meeting, seminar, and conference as below:

2nd week
• Meeting with a senior researcher in the programme
         - Date: 9th May 
         - Summary: Discussion on the work plan of the second half of the internship; consultation on the research interest and future career

3rd week
• Open (in house) discussion with SIPRI Board 
         - Date: 17th May
         - Organiser: SIPRI
         - Summary: Key issues for SIPRI to be looking into across the coming 5-10 years

• The New Urban Agenda
        - Date: 19th May, 10:00-12:30
        - Organiser: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)
        - Summary: The Sida Development Talks discussed the main challenges for a sustainable urban development, present the current major trends, the Swedish engagement and partners’ experiences as well as concrete ways for contributing strategically to this New Urban Agenda.

4th week
• Achieving the 2030 Agenda: Global Health in Conflict, Poverty and Fragility
        - Date: 30th May, 09:00-17:00
        - Organiser: Global Utmaning
        - Summary: The conference was organised with the aim to increase awareness about the health challenges in fragile and conflict-affected environments, and to reach an understanding of what actions need to be taken to ensure that fragile and conflict affected states are not left behind in achieving the SDGs.