검색어 "Korea specialists"에 대한 검색결과 "총 17건"

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[신청] 해외 박물관 객원 큐레이터 파견 프로그램 2009.07.20
...s museums to promote effective management of Korean galleries and train Korea specialists.   APPLICATION GUIDE                                               ...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
Workshop an der Freien Universität Berlin: Korean Resources Specialists in Europe 2018.07.23
...es Librarians / Korean Resource Specialists" in der Campus Bibliothek, Fre...erlin statt. Mit Unterstützung der Korea Foundation, organisierte die Camp...
한국국제교류재단 > 베를린 > 공지사항
[20240902/환영사/영문] 제23회 큐레이터 워크숍 환영오찬 2024.09.09
..., September 2, 12:00–14:00 / Korea Press Center Welcome Luncheon Amb...ing among art professionals and specialists worldwide. I am also pleased t...
한국국제교류재단 > 이사장소개 > 이사장 연설문
KF Lecture Series on Korea's Culture and Arts 2016.01.13
...sessions, presented by selected specialists, will introduce residential ar...cial classes, and the evolution of Korea's housing architecture through mo...
  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 3건)
[3rd PDWEEK] KF와 공공외교③|정책공공외교를 이끄는 4인방 탐구 2021.04.16

[3rd PDWEEK] KF와 공공외교③|정책공공외교를 이끄는 4인방 탐구

...g of Four Leads Policy Research on Korea Abroad 데이비드 강(David Kang)|미국 USC대...d nurturing the next-generation of Korea specialists as public intellectua...
한국국제교류재단 > 국민공공외교
Seeking to Activate Korea-Tajikistan Academic Exchange Efforts to Enhance Korean Language Education in Tajikistan 2021.04.19

Seeking to Activate <font color='red'>Korea</font>-Tajikistan Academic Exchange Efforts to Enhance Korean Language Education in Tajikistan

...er long hoping for a chance to see Korea, Rector Imomov's patience has bee...established to educate economic specialists in Tajikistan, and for the edu...
KF뉴스레터 > 2009년 4월 > 뉴스 포커스
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