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Publication on Korea


The Korea Foundation publishes books on Korean culture, history and society to promote a proper understanding of Korea, thereby contributing to developing Korean studies abroad and enhancing the national image of the Republic of Korea. Among the titles published by the Foundation are the Korean Culture Series; National Treasures of Korea; the Korea Essentials Series; Distant Countries, Neighboring Countries (foreign language versions); and Korean Contemporary Short Stories. In addition, the KF publishes Global Hallyu in cooperation with Korean diplomatic missions abroad since 2012.

KF Feature Publications

  • Selections from Koreana Series.

    Selections from Koreana Series.
    This new English-language series is primarily a compilation of selected article from previous issues...GO
  • National Treasures of Korea

    National Treasures of Korea
    The foundation has published books on important historical artifacts, entitled "Fragrance of Korea"...GO
  • Korean Culture Series

    Korean Culture Series
    The Korea Foundation has published informational books about various aspects on Korea culture...GO
  • Korea Essentials Series 표지 이미지

    Korea Essentials Series
    The Korea Essentials Series is co-published by the Korea Foundation and Seoul Selection to provide...GO
  • Korean Cultural Heritage Series

    Korean Cultural Heritage Series
    This four-volume English series is primarily a compilation of the articles from previous issues...GO
  • Korean Relics in Overseas Collections Series

    Korean Relics in Overseas Collections Series
    "Korean Relics in Overseas Collections Series" were published as part of the Korea Foundation's...GO
  • Reference Guides on Korea

    Reference Guides on Korea
    With the assistance of numerous scholars and relevant specialists, scholars and relevant...GO
  • Others 표지 이미지

    Recent Research Topics on KoreaGO
  • 지구촌한류현황 표지 이미지

    Global Hallyu
    Comprehensive information about the Hallyu (Korean Wave) phenomenon (popularity of Korean pop culture...GO
  • Distant Countries, Neighboring Countries: Korea

    Distant Countries, Neighboring Countries: Korea
    The publication of this introductory book on Korea in the French language, and its distribution to relevant organizations...GO
  • 한국현대단편소설선집 표지 이미지

    Korean Contemporary Short Stories Selected from Koreana Magazine
  • 벽화로 이어진 3년의 기록 공공미술로 읽는 베트남 사회와 문화

    벽화로 이어진 3년의 기록 공공미술로 읽는 베트남 사회와 문화



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