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Support Program for Korea Day Events at Museums Abroad

  • Date Feb 04, 2014

Support Program for Korea Day Events at Museums Abroad

◈ Korea Day Events
• The Korea Day program is designed to present one- day events that offer a diverse array of Korea- related activities, such as a special exhibition on Korean culture and arts, guided tours of the museum’s Korean gallery, talk sessions with relevant artists/specialists, art performances, and demonstrations of Korean arts/crafts, so that local visitors can enjoy firsthand experiences of the colorful aspects of Korean culture.

• The Korea Day (previously Korea Foundation Day) program was launched in 2011 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Korea Foundation’s establishment. The inaugural event was staged at the Guggenheim Museum in New York in 2011, followed by similar events at such prestigious museums as the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Each of the events included the attendance of invited guests and local visitors who enjoyed the opportunity to learn about the culture and arts of Korea.

• Link to view highlights of the KF Korea Culture Day at the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco in November 2013: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNFRaHYMwbI

◈ Program ive
• The Foundation extends program support for the organization and presentation of the Korea Day events and related cultural activities at host museums.

◈ Program Overview
• Eligible applicants: Museums that propose to host a Korea Day session in conjunction with the presentation of a special exhibition and/or education program related to Korean culture and arts.
     This program does not provide support to special- purpose institutions that are not directly related to the fields of culture and the arts, such as history- theme museums and memorial halls dedicated to specific individuals or themes.

• Grant period: program support for up to three years is possible for selected museums.
     In the case of a multi- year application for program support, a long- term plan must be submitted, including detailed plans for each year’s Korea Day events and activities.

• Korea Day activities: including, but not limited to, a special exhibition on Korean culture and arts, docent and children’s tours of the museum’s Korean gallery, talk sessions with relevant artists/specialists, special lectures, musical performances, and demonstrations of Korean arts/crafts.

◈ Foundation Support
• Amount of program support: up to $35,000 per Korea Day event
     - Please note that the grant amount is subject to adjustment based on the Foundation’s evaluation of the event’s finalized plans, in regard to the program content/activities and cost- sharing arrangement.

• Eligible uses for program support
     - Direct costs related to event organization/installation/implementation
     - Honorarium and travel expenses for invited artists/performers/speakers
     - Production costs for event catalogues, brochures, and promotional materials

• Ineligible uses
     - Costs related to the conservation, restoration, or acquisition of Korean artworks/artifacts
     - Purchase of office equipment and/or supplies
     - Personnel expenses for regular staff
     - Expenses for reception/dinner events
     - Administrative and indirect costs

◈ Program Schedule
• Application period: February 3, 2014 through February 27, 2014
• Notification of Support Approval: March 2014

◈ Application s
• Program application (Foundation form)
• Project budget, in detail (Foundation form)
• Resumes of the project director and major participants
• Supplemental materials (if necessary)

◈ Additional Program Notes
• After submission of the project application, if it is necessary to modify/adjust the project details, the applicant must immediately discuss these matters with the Foundation.
• After submission of the project application, the applicant agrees to submit additional materials upon the Foundation’s request and to discuss with the Foundation any possible adjustments to the related project details.
• After being selected for the provision of program support, the applicant agrees to enter into a grant agreement, which outlines the terms and conditions of the Foundation’s program support, including an acceptable project schedule and project budget with itemized cost details, and specifies the respective obligations of the Foundation and the host museum.
• The Korea Day event must be implemented in accordance with the approved project schedule, as outlined in the grant agreement. If it is necessary for the event proceedings to be postponed or cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, the host museum must discuss the relevant circumstances with the Foundation before taking actions to postpone or cancel the event.
• The Foundation’s program support must be expended in accordance with the approved project budget and related cost items.
• The host museum is required to submit a final project report to the Foundation within one month after the event’s conclusion. The project report, in accordance with the Foundation’s standard form, must include a financial statement of the support expenditures that is endorsed by a responsible financial officer of the host museum.

◈ Inquiries
• Culture & Arts Department: +82- 2- 2151- 6536 / jyyoon@kf.or.kr


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