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Re-announcement of Recruitment: Korean Delegation for the 2024 KF Korea-Vietnam Youth Leaders Exchange Program

  • Date Jul 30, 2024

The Korea Foundation (KF) is now recruiting Korean delegates for our 2024 KF Korea-Vietnam Youth Leaders Exchange Program, a program based on an MOU signed between the KF and the Vietnamese Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA).

In June, a Vietnamese delegation came to Korea. Following this visit, a Korean delegation will be visiting Viet Nam from September 29 to October 5. Delegates should be young Korean civil servants interested in Vietnamese diplomacy & trade, economy, youth issues, population, and culture. They will visit Vietnamese government institutions, major local government institutions and related organizations, and industrial facilities. They will also visit historical sites and cultural facilities in Viet Nam.

We are looking for Korean delegates to Viet Nam who meet the following requirements:

  • (1) Number of Delegates: Approximately 15
  • (2) Recruitment Period: Through Monday, August 5, 2024
  • (3) Qualifications (Applicants must meet all four of the following criteria.)
    • oMust have Korean nationality and no disqualifications prohibiting overseas travel
    • oMust be a civil servant affiliated with central government departments or local governments nationwide
    • oMust be under 39 years old (international age)
    • oMust be able to participate in all scheduled activities (Partial participation is not allowed.)
  • (4) How to Apply: Submit the application form via an official letter (multiple applications allowed)
  • (5) Method of Selection: Evaluation based on application form and activity plan
  • (6) Expenses supported by the KF: Round-trip international airfare, all local living expenses, and travel insurance premiums

Please note that Korean-Vietnamese interpretation will be provided for the entire duration of the delegation’s stay in Viet Nam.


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