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The 13th Korean Studies Workshop

  • Date Jun 26, 2001
The 13th Korean Studies Workshop will be held from June 26 to July 11.The 13th annual Korean Studies Workshop will be co-hosted by the Foundation and Korea University from June 26 to July 11. Thirty-seven participants, secondary school teachers, educational administrators and university professors from the U.S., Australia, New Zealand and Canada, will have an opportunity to enhance their understanding of Korea. The workshop program includes lectures on various topics about Korea, a visit to a Korea high school and a demonstration teaching session with Korean high school students as well as a visit to a Korean family. Participants will also visit Panmunjom, a Korean industrial site and Kyongju, the ancient capital of Shilla. The annual Korean Studies Workshop has been effective and considered to be a highly value-added program since the knowledge gained by teachers has easily been multiplied as they teach their students.


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