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Publication of 'Dictionary of Korean Art and Archaeology'

  • Date Feb 02, 2005
As one of its efforts to promote Korea-related cultural and academic activities, the Korea Foundation has recently published , which includes some 3,000 entries of terminology related to traditional Korean art and cultural properties, with basic definitions in English along with explanations of relevant cultural / historical background. contains an extensive range of entries related to the fields of Korean archaeology, architecture, art history (ceramics, sculpture, crafts, Buddhist art, and painting), and folklore, listed in Korean alphabetical order. Each entry also includes a reference in Chinese for Chinese-based terms, Romanized Korean, and Sanskrit for Buddhist terminology. In addition, there are illustrations, and an index of Romanized Korean terms for more convenient use. Above all, this publication is intended to serve as a source of in-depth information and reliable references on Korean culture and art, and to facilitate cultural and academic interaction between art specialists and related scholars at home and abroad, an also to provide a broad understanding for foreign readers with a general interest in Korea. A team of 15 specialists from various fields of Korean art and culture participated in this project to ensure its overall quality and usefulness. These specialists contributed to the research, writing, and review of the entries. Roderick Whitfield, a professor emeritus at the University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies(SOAS), served as chief editor. overview ·size: 110x180x17(mm) ·number of pages: 347 (317 photos and illustrations) ·language: - entry terms listed in Korean alphabetical order - Korean and English definitions - Chinese character and Sanscrit references ·contents: preface/guide to usage/writers and editors/entries/index ·publisher: Hollym · individual entry: entry term/Chinese character/Romanized Korean/field icon/Korean definition/English term/English definition (if applicable, Sanscrit reference)


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