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Buddhist Sculptures of Korea" published

  • Date May 03, 2007
The Korea Foundation recently published "Buddhist Sculptures of Korea," written by Professor Kim Lena, College of Fine Arts, Hongik University. The book provides a comprehensive overview of the Buddhist sculptures of Korea, from the Three Kingdoms Period through the Joseon Dynasty, based on her 40 years of related research. From a historical perspective and through comparisons of Buddhist principles, iconography, and forms, the author differentiates the Buddhist sculpture of Korea from that of China and Japan, which are generally better known to foreigners. Although targeted for general readers without specific knowledge about Buddhist art, the book offers footnotes on related research sources about Korea’s Buddhist sculpture, for those interested in conducting further research. The book, which includes chapters on Buddhist sculpture during the Three Kingdoms Period as well as the Unified Silla, Goryeo, and Joseon periods, also features about 180 photographs to help illustrate the various distinctions of sculptural style and details. For additional information, please contact the Foundation’s Media Department at Tel.(82-2) 3463-5684 or publication@kf.or.kr. This book can be purchased from Hollym Publishers(email: hollym@chol.com /Tel.: (82-2) 734-5087/ISBN 1-56591-245-4/US$29.95).


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