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The 8th Korea-Russia Forum

  • Date May 25, 2007
The 8th Korea-Russia Forum will be held at the Lotte Hotel in Seoul from May 27 to 29, co-organized by the Korea Foundation (President: YIM Sung-joon) and the Diplomatic Academy of the Foreign Ministry (Rector: Alexandr PANOV). Distinguished Korean and Russian representatives from government, legislative, business, media, cultural and academic sectors will discuss "Security and Stabilization on the Korean Peninsula," "Six-Party Talks and Energy Support to North Korea, " "Strategies for Siberia Development and Economic Cooperation between Korea and Russia," "Trilateral Economic Cooperation among South Korea, North Korea and Russia," and "Current Situation and Prospect on Exchanges in the fields of Education and Culture between Korea and Russia." This year's delegation from Korea will consist of 25 members, including YIM Sung-joon, President, Korea Foundation; KIM Jong Seok, President, Korea Economic Research Institute; KIM U-khan, President & CEO, SBS Productions; KIM Hak-joon, President, The Dong-A Ilbo; KIM Hyun-taek, Professor, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies; KIM Hyeong-joo, Member of the National Assembly; YOO Jay-kun, Member of the National Assembly; RHEE Bong-jo, President, Korea Institute for National Unification, LEE Se-ung, Chairman of the Board, Korea-Russia Cultural Society; LEE In-ho, Distinguished Professor, Myongji University, LEE Su-hoon, Chairman, Presidential Committee on Northeast Asian Cooperation Initiative; LEE Hwa-young, Member of the National Assembly; EOM Gu-ho, Director, Asia-Pacific Research Center, Hanyang University; CHANG Young-dal, President, The Korea-Russia Inter-Parliamentary Council, and CHUNG Tae-ik, Adjunct Professor, Kyungnam University. From the Russian side, 17 distinguished representatives will participate, including Alexandr Panov, Rector, Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Federation; Boris Portnov, Vice-Chairman, Russian-Korean Intergovernmental Commission on Economic Cooperation; Victor Klyus, Member of the State Duma, Iskander Azizov, Deputy Director, First Asia Department of the Russian Federation, Ministry of the Foreign Affairs, Vladimir Rakhmanin Ambassador-at-large, Russian Federation Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Gleb Ivashentsov, Ambassador to the ROK; Lyudmila Anosova Vice-Rector, Tax Academy, Russian Federation Ministry of Finance; Mikhail Bondarenko, President, "North-East Asia Business League" Company, and Svetlana Souslina, Professor, Moscow State Institute of International Relations.


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