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[Forum] The 3rd Korea-Brazil Forum

  • Date Dec 13, 2007
The 3rd Korea-Brazil Forum will be held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Rio de Janeiro from December 10 to 11, co-organized by the Korea Foundation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil. Distinguished Korean and Brazilian representatives from government, legislative, business, media, cultural and academic sectors will discuss ”Overview of Regional and National Issues”, “Cooperation on Science and Technology and Energy”, “Cooperation on Economy, Trade and Investment” and “Korea-Brazil Cultural Cooperation and Academic Exchange. ” This year's delegation from Korea will consist of 18 members, including YIM Sung-joon, President, Korea Foundation; KIM Won-wung, Member of the National Assembly; KIM Myung-ja, Member of the National Assembly; KOO Cha-hoon, Chairman, LIG Insurance; CHOI Jong-hwa, Korean Ambassador to Brazil; Bae Myung-bok, Editorial Writer, Joongang Daily News; Lee Hye-min, Ambassador for International Trade, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade; YANG Keun-yul, Vice President, Korea Railroad Research Institute; PARK Won-geun, Vice President, Korea Agency for Digital Opportunity and Promotion; KIM Sun-young, President, Samsung do Brazil; KIM Won-ho, Professor, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, and YOON Heon-deok, Professor, Soongsil University. From the Brazilian, 20 distinguished representatives will participate, including Amaury Banhos Porto de OLIVEIRA, former Ambassador of Brazil to Singapore; Claudio CAJADO, Member of the Chamber of Deputies; Pedro Paulo Pinto ASSUMPCAO, former Ambassador of Brazil to Korea; Mario Lisboa THEODORO, Director of Cooperation and Development, Institute of Applied Economic Research and Deivi Lopes KUHN, Coordinator of Free Software Strategy of the Federal Data Processing Service.


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