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[Support] 2009 Multimedia Production Support Program

  • Date May 09, 2008
To more effectively introduce Korea's culture and society to the international community, the Korea Foundation offers a support program to boost the production and quality standards of visual media on Korean culture through the provision of financial assistance. Accordingly, under this year's program cycle, approved projects will be eligible to receive financial support in 2009. The Foundation thus looks forward to the submission of creative proposals from visual media production firms. 1. Program Title: Multimedia Production Support Program [Please click on title for information on program applications.] 2. Eligible Projects: - Production of video content, excluding fiction, that deals with subjects related to Korean culture and society in foreign languages, and intended for completion by December 2008. - Video content that is intended for showing to general audiences at public forums, such as film/cultural festivals, or TV broadcasts. 3. Application Deadline: July 31, 2008 4. Program Support: Financial assistance for production costs, of up to $50,000. 5. Eligible Applicants: - Foreign enterprises with knowledge of and proven experience in filmmaking,in regard to Asian arts and culture. * Priority will be given to a project that involves co-production/cooperation with Korean production firms, and that is guaranteed for TV broadcasts. 6. Selection/Notification: - Applications will be reviewed in October and approved projects will be announced on the Foundation's website in November. 7. Contact Media Department The Korea Foundation E-mail: publication@kf.or.kr Phone: (82-2) 2046-8583 Fax: (82-2) 3463-6086


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