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[Announcement] KF Advanced Research Grant Program Discontinued

  • Date Oct 20, 2008
Since 2000, the Korea Foundation has implemented the Advanced Research Grant program to support the scholarly research and writing activities of Korean studies scholars abroad. However, regrettably, the Foundation will be discontinuing this program with effect from the 2009 academic year. This decision was made by the Foundation, in accordance with the Korean government’s policy, to reinforce public organizations' competitiveness and effectiveness based on choice and the focus strategy. In this regard, those who were awarded grants during this year and those who were awarded in the past years, but still in the process of writing your dissertations, are strongly advised to contact the Foundation and discuss the process of the completion of the grant project. The Foundation greatly appreciates the interest and commitment shown by grant recipients under this program toward promoting the distribution of Korean studies materials worldwide over the past nine years of the program's operation. We at the Foundation also hope that all the program recipients and Korean studies scholars will continue their praiseworthy activities and show continued interest in the Foundation. Contact: Fellowship Program Department (Phone: +822-2046-8566/ Email: sjkwon@kf.or.kr)


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