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[Invitation] Dr. Moshe Brawer, Professor Emeritus, Department of Geography and the Human Environment at Tel Aviv University

  • Date Apr 30, 2009

Dr. Moshe Brawer, Professor Emeritus, Department of Geography and the Human Environment at Tel Aviv University will visit Korea from May 6 to 12 by invitation of the Korea Foundation.


Tel Aviv University, where Dr. Brawer has served since 1966, is one of the premier universities in Israel, while at the same time being the world’s largest Jewish university.

Dr. Brawer is also renowned as chairman of the Israeli council on geographical names, and he has significant influence on the compilation of maps and geographical names for the Israeli government. In addition, he is keenly interested in territorial problems such as the Dokdo islets and the EastSea off the Korean peninsula. So visiting Korea at this time is expected to provide the guest a good opportunity to contribute to raising practical awareness and knowledge of Korea and related territorial issues.


Dr. Brawer is scheduled to visit various institutions, including the National Geographic Information Institute, the Northeast Asian History Foundation, the Ewha Womans University College of Education,

Konkuk University, the Korea Association of Middle East Studies, and the International Geographical Union (IGU). Aside from these visits, he will visit cultural and historical sites, such as the DMZ (demilitarized zone) and Gyeongju city, offering him firsthand experiences of territorial and cultural aspects.


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