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[Invitation] Dr. Mahmud Karimov, President of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

  • Date Jun 02, 2009

Dr. Mahmud Karimov, President of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences will visit Korea from June 8 to June 12, 2009 by invitation of the Korea Foundation.

Dr. Mahmud Karimov has a great interest in academic-industrial cooperation between Korea and Azerbaijan. Thus, during his stay in Korea, he will visit the Korean Academy of Science and Technology (KAST), the Korea Foundation for International Cooperation of Science and Technology (KICOS), the National Academy of Sciences, KAIST, Korea Basic Science Institute and Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) to discuss ways to promote cooperation in the field of science and engineering between Korea and Azerbaijan. He will also have a chance to experience diverse aspects of Korea by visiting the Korean Folk Village, Gwacheon National Science Museum, Cheonggyecheon Museum, and Changdeokgung Palace

Founded in 1945, the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) is the main scientific organization in the Azerbaijan Republic. ANAS has 35 organizations under five departments, namely: physics•math, chemistry, geology, humanities & social sciences and biology. The Academy consists of 62 academicians.



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