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[Forum] 16th Korea Foundatoin Forum

  • Date Aug 12, 2009

The Korea Foundation holds the 16th Korea Foundation Forum at the Seoul Plaza Hotel (Diamond Hall, 22nd floor) between 7:30-9:00 a.m. on Thursday, August 20. In this Forum, the Honorable Newt Gingrich, Former Speaker of U.S. House of Representatives will give a speech on the current status and future visions of Korea-U.S. Relations with a focus on the North Korean nuclear issue.

The Honorable Gingrich has been the Speaker(‘95~’99) and a member(‘79~’99) of U.S. House of Representatives and now serves as General Chairman of ‘American Solutions for Winning the Future’ and as a news and political analyst of the Fox News Channel.  

The Korea Foundation Forum lecture series was established with the purpose of raising Korean people's awareness of current global issues through public lectures by eminent persons from across the globe. Launched in January 2008, the Korea Foundation Forum has had the opportunities to host the world-renowned figures such as Mr. George Herbert Walker Bush, the former president of the United States, Mr. Koïchiro Matsuura, Director-General of UNESCO, Mr. Theo Sommer, Editor-in-Chief of Die Zeit  and Mr. Colin Powell, Former US Secretary of State.


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