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[Invitation] Prof. Daniel Rukavina of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts and Former President of the University of Rijeka

  • Date Oct 06, 2009

Prof. Daniel Rukavina, Full member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts and Emeritus Professor of the University of Rijeka, Croatia, will visit Korea from October 13 to October 19, 2009 by invitation of the Korea Foundation.

Prof. Rukavina is a distinguished scholar in medical science, and former President of the International Society for Immunology of Reproduction (ISIR) from 2004 to 2007 and is currently a Full Member of the Department of Medical Science, the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Art (HAZU). Since 1976, he has been a professor at the College of Medical Science, University of Rijeka and he was president of the university from 2000 to 2009. During this latter period, he also contributed to the policymaking process for industrialization and modernization of Rijeka city.

The University of Rijeka, located in Rijeka city, the primary port city of Croatia and a center for the shipbuilding industry, is a prominent university which produces many excellent engineers and technicians, in particular through academic-industrial cooperation with the industries of the region. It is comprised of nine colleges, one academy and four departments, and has about 16,000 students. Regarding the relationship with Korean universities, it concluded an agreement for academic exchange and cooperation with Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS) in 2007 and sends its fellow scholars regularly to HUFS under the agreement.

During his stay in Korea, Prof. Rukavina will visit the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of the Republic of Korea, HUFS, the University of Ulsan and the Korea Port Engineering Corporation to promote academic exchanges and industrial cooperation between Croatia and Korea. With regard to the initiative of the University of Rijeka to establish lectures on Korean studies and the Korean language, he will also visit the Korean Studies Department of the Korea Foundation.

Furthermore, he will have opportunities to see diverse aspects of Korea during his visit by touring Asan Medical Center and Hyundai Heavy Industries Ulsan Complex, and visiting the museums and historical sites in Seoul and Gyeongju.


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