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[Invitation] Prof. Dr. Hoang Van Chau, President of the Foreign Trade University (FTU), Vietnam

  • Date Nov 24, 2009

Prof. Dr. Hoang Van Chau, President of the Foreign Trade University in Vietnam will visit Korea from December 1 to 5, 2009 by invitation of the Korea Foundation.

Foreign Trade University (FTU), established in 1960, is one of the finest universities in Vietnam, located in Hanoi and specializing in foreign trade, foreign trade relations, and foreign languages (English, French, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, and German). FTU teaches a wide range of business courses, including finance, management, and marketing. Most graduates from FTU get the top priority of selection when applying for jobs in companies and organizations.

In April 2009, the University’s Center for Korean Studies opened a Korean language course, as a trial to establish a Korean Language department within 2-3 years. The Korea Foundation, together with KB Kookmin Bank financially supported the University in recognition of the value of promoting Korean language education overseas.

During his stay, Prof. Dr. Chau will meet with Presidents of Ewha Womans University, Kyunghee University, Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies, Global Civic Sharing, and KB Kookmin Bank to discuss ways to promote understanding and academic cooperation between Korea and Vietnam. Also, he will visit cultural and historic sites in Gyeongju, and tour the industrial facilities of POSCO in Pohang City.


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