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History of Zimbabwean Stone Sculpture

  • Date May 03, 2010
Date: Thur. May 6, 2010 at 7-9 pm Venue: Korea Foundation Cultural Center Seminar Room Lecturer: H. E. Jaroslav Olsa, jr, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Korea Language: English, Korean Inquiry: 02-2151-6514, shpark@kf.or.kr Admission: Free Registration: 50 participants will be received on a "first-come first-serve" basis. Please send an email to us to register in advance by email no later than May 5. The email should include the participant's name and (mobile) phone number. To: shpark@kf.or.kr Subject: [Zimbawean Lecture] Name of the applicant Content: 1. Name 2. Phone Number or Mobile Phone Number


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