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[Invitation] Mr. In Channy, President& CEO of Acleda Bank PLC, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

  • Date May 07, 2010

Mr. In Channy, President& CEO of Acleda Bank PLC, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, will visit Korea from May 9 to 15 by invitation of the Korea Foundation.

He is specialized in overall management of both social and commercial financial institutions and, in particular the transformation of a public funded microfinance NGO into a triple bottom line commercial bank (i.e. one that includes environmental sustainability and social responsibility,besides financial considerations).

Also he managed the development of ACLEDA from an organization with five branchesand US$ 600,000 in assets in 1993 into a bank with 232 branches and over US$ 900 million in assets in December, 2009. He is one of the founders of the Association of Cambodian Local Economic Development Agencies (ACLEDA), and a member of the United Nations Advisor Group for the Year of Microcredit, 2005.

During his stay in Korea, he will visit KIEP, the Korea Stock Exchange, Kookmin Bank, and Shinhan Bank to discuss ways to advance cooperation between Korea and Cambodia. He will also have a chance to experience diverse aspects of Korea by visiting the Bank of Korea Museum, the War Memorial of Korea, and Gyeongju.

ACLEDA Bank was established in January 1993, as a microfinance institution (MFI) for micro- and small enterprise-development and credit. This bank is a privately owned bank based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia with 232 branches nationwide, the most in Cambodia, and 7,024 staff members across all provinces and towns in the Kingdom of Cambodia and five provinces in Laos. ACLEDA has more than $900 million in total assets and ranks number one in deposits at over $670 million, with over $530 million in loans outstanding.


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