The Korea Foundation announces the 2010-2011 Awardees for the Postdoctoral Fellowship in North America.
The Foundation selects 5 scholars as its final recipients this year. The Foundation also contacted the recipients via e-mail appeared in their applications.
The Foundation hopes that the Fellowship assistance will prove most valuable in advancing your studies in the future.
⊙ The Lists of 2010-2011 KF Awardees for the Postdoctoral Fellowship in North America
1) Grace J. Chae, Ph.D Candidate, Univ. of Chicago
2) Nicholas Harkness, Ph.D Candidate, Univ. of Chicago
3) Hwisang Cho, Ph.D Candidate, Columbia Univ.
4) Adam Bohnet, Ph.D Candidate, UBC
5) Jiyeon Kim, Ph.D, UCLA