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[Invitation] Mr. Enebish Baasangombo, CEO of Erdenes MGL LLC, Mongolia

  • Date Jul 09, 2010

The Korea Foundation has invited Mr. Enebish Baasangombo, CEO of Erdenes MGL LLC to visit Korea from July 23 to 26.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and Mongolia. Through this visit, it is hoped that Mongolians’ understanding about Korea will be enhanced, and that closer ties and networks can be formed in mineral resources and other fields.
During his stay in Korea, he will visit the Korea Resources Corp. (KORES), the Mine Reclamation Corp. (MIRECO) and Pohang Iron & Steel Corp. (POSCO) to promote positive interactive collaboration. He will also visit cultural/historic sites in Seoul and see firsthand Korea’s economic development and other diverse aspects of Korea.


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