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The 28th Korea Foundation Forum

  • Date Aug 26, 2010

Overcoming Economic Crises: The Netherlands’
Tripartite Agreements and Their Implications for Korea

Speaker: The Honorable Willem Wim Kok,
(President of Club de Madrid, Former Prime Minister of the Netherlands)
Date: 7:30-9:00 a.m. Friday, September 3, 2010
Venue: Lilac Room, 2nd floor, Westin Chosun Hotel

The Korea Foundation(President Dr. Kim Byung-kook) hosts the 28th Korea Foundation Forum at Seoul Westin Chosun Hotel on Friday of September 3rd. In this Forum, Willem Wim Kok, President of Club de Madrid and former Prime Minister of the Netherlands will give a speech on the subject 'Overcoming Economic Crises: The Netherlands' Tripartite Agreements and Their Implications for Korea.'

The Korea Foundation Forum lecture series was established with the purpose of raising awareness in Korea of current global issues, by organizing public lectures of eminent persons from all over the world to speak to the Korean experts, scholars, and opinion leaders.

Launched in January 2008, the Korea Foundation Forum has already had the opportunity to host the world- renowned figures such as Mr. George Herbert Walker Bush, the former president of the United States, Dr. Joseph S. Nye, professor of international relations at Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Mr. Koïchiro Matsuura, Director-General of UNESCO and Mr. Colin Powell, Former US Secretary of State.

▶ Contact:  Ms. Lee Sulgi, Program Officer, Public Diplomacy Department
                    Tel: 02-2046-8636  Fax: 02-3463-6076  E-mail: sklee@kf.or.kr


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