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[Invitation] Mr. Hugo Luis Guerra Arteaga, Chief Editor of El Comercio Newsdaily in Peru

  • Date Aug 27, 2010

Mr. Hugo Luis Guerra Arteaga, Chief Editor of 『El Comercio Newsdaily』, one of the major daily newspapers in Peru, will visit Korea from August 30 to September 5, 2010 by invitation of the Korea Foundation.

Mr. Guerra is originally from the field of law and international politics. In the 2000s, he was a Member of the Legal Committee of the Inter American Press Association (IAPA), Legal Advisor and Board Member of the Peruvian Press Council, Director of the Inter American Academy of International Law and Representative of the Municipality of Lima at the APEC 2008 Commission. Later, since 2004, he has been working as Vice President and Chief Editor of 『El Comercio Newsdaily』.

During his stay in Korea, Mr. Guerra will visit the G-20 Seoul Summit Committee, the National Assembly of Korea and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) to promote understanding of major international events related to Korea and current political and economic collaborative relations between Peru and Korea. He will also share opinions on mutual exchanges and cooperation between Peru and Korea, especially in the media field, at the Korea Times, Korea Broadcasting System (KBS), Arirang TV and Korean Council on Latin America & the Caribbean.

In addition, he will have opportunities to experience various other aspects of Korea by visiting Digital Media City (DMC) and Presseum, and touring museums and historical sites in Seoul and Gyeongju city.

*『El Comercio Newsdaily』 was established in 1839 as the first newspaper in Peru and currently one of the most prominent Peruvian newspapers and is owned by 『El Comercio』 Media Group, the biggest media group in Peru which owns various journals and TV channels, such as Gestion, Peru 21, Trome, La Republica, Canal N (News channel), America (Commercial channel), etc.


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