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Mr. Abdul Elah Abdul Qader Hussein

  • Date May 19, 2011

Mr. Abdul Elah Abdul Qader Hussein, Executive Manager of the United Arab Emirates’ Sultan Bin Ali Al Owais Cultural Foundation, will visit Korea from April 18 to April 24 by invitation of the Korea Foundation.


The Sultan Bin Ali Al Owais Cultural Foundation is named after the poet, Sultan Bin Ali Al Owais, who established a permanent award bearing his name on December 17, 1987 with the aim of honoring, encouraging and supporting Arab scholars, litterateurs and intellectuals. In 1992, the Award developed into an autonomous cultural foundation under the name of Sultan Bin Ali Al Owais Foundation and became an official foundation. Since, Mr. Hussein is interested in Korean arts and culture, his visit is expected to enhance Korea-UAE cultural exchanges by experiencing Korea first-hand and meeting with his counterparts and other people of interest.


During his stay, he will visit the Seoul Arts Center, the Korea Cultural Heritage Foundation and the GyeonngGi Cultural Foundation to gain a better understanding of Korean cultural foundations. He will also visit the Korea National University of Arts to meet with professionals in their field. He will also tour various museums and sites to experience Korea’s past and present.

Contact: Sue Nah Rhie(82-2-2046-8586/snrhie@kf.or.kr)


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