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[Invitation] Dr. Ilshat Gafurov, Rector of Kazan Federal University in Russia

  • Date Nov 02, 2011

 Dr. Ilshat Gafurov, rector of Kazan Federal University of Russia, is visiting Korea from November 7 to November 11.


 Dr. Ilshat Gafurov, rector of Kazan Federal University since 2010, received a doctoral degree in economics from Kazan Federal University. Starting in 1995, he served as the chair of the Economic Commission for Russia for three years. Having a close relationship with current Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, Dr. Gafurov is a very influential economic figure.


 Most famous for producing famous individuals like Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy and Vladimir Lenin, Kazan Federal University is acknowledged as one of the top three universities in Russia. The university has distinguishing programs in the fields of natural sciences, such as mathematics and physics. Also, Kazan Federal University is the only university near the Volga River which operates ‘Korean Language and Literature’ programs. The visit of Dr. Gafurov is expected to expand the groundwork for Korean studies in Russia and enhance academic ties between universities in Korea and Russia.


 During the visit, Dr. Gafurov is planning to sign a MOU on the KF Global e-School Program which will hold various lectures on Korean studies in Russia when meeting Executive Vice-president of the Korean Foundation, Dr. Cha Du Hyeogn. He will also have a meeting with the rectors of Seoul National University (Oh Yeon-chun), Cheongju University (Kim Yoon-bae), and Kookmin University (Lee Sung-woo), dean of the College of Medicine of Korea University (Um Chang-sup), and dean of the College of Life Science of Korea University (Kim Jung-kyu) to discuss ways to increase exchange programs for students and researchers among the two countries.


 Additionally, he will have an opportunity to visit the National Museum of Korea, the Sarangchae of Cheongwadae, and the Seoul Tower. He will also watch the Korean Original Musical ‘Miso’ at the Chongdong Theater. Dr. Gafurov’s time in Korea will allow him to experience various aspects of Korean society, culture, and history.


 ※KF Global e-School: Program offering on-line virtual lectures for universities by utilizing the connections between the Korean Foundation and universities in and out of Korea. Its goal is to diversify Korean Studies programs in overseas universities. The Korean Foundation is planning to open 30 Korean Studies programs within 22 universities (7 universities in Korea, 15 universities in 9 other countries).



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