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[INVITATION] KF Global Seminar [Middle Powers and Public Diplomacy]

  • Date Nov 06, 2013

The Sixth Korea Foundation Global Seminar

The Korea Foundation cordially invites you to attend the Sixth KF Global Seminar “Middle Powers and Public Diplomacy: Building a Network for the Global Common Good.” The seminar will be held on November 21, 2013 at the Lotte Hotel Seoul.

This seminar aspires to be a global venue for practitioners and experts of public diplomacy to discuss the roles middle powers should play in tackling global issues. The seminar is also intended to construct an intellectual and institutional global network among public diplomacy institutes to serve the global common good beyond solely national interests.

The Korea Foundation would greatly appreciate your presence at our upcoming seminar, and we eagerly await confirmation of your attendance. For program details and registration, please see the information below.

  • • Date & Time: November 21, 2013 09:30~18:00
  • • Venue: Sapphire Ballroom (3rd fl.), Lotte Hotel Seoul
  • • Theme: Middle Powers and Public Diplomacy: Building a Network for the Global Common Good
  • • Seminar Language: English (English-Korean simultaneous interpretation will be provided)
  • • Registration Deadline: November 15(Fri), 18:00
  • • Further Inquiries: The Sixth KF Global Seminar Secretariat (070-8280-6112, kfgs2013@hotmail.com)

For Program and Registration, click here


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