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[MOFA] 3-minute video contest about Korea.

  • Date Mar 28, 2014

3-minute video contest about Korea
"To me, Korea is..."

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Korea (MOFA) and Arirang TV are holding a 3-minute video contest about Korea.
Click! http://www.publicdiplomacy.go.kr/video.jsp

1. Submission Date

April 1, 2014 ~ May 31, 2014, (18:00 Korean Local time)

2. Entry Qualification

Open to foreigners residing in and outside of Korea

3. Title: "To me, Korea is..."

When you think of Korea, what first comes to mind? Why do you think so?
Do you have any personal and meaningful stories or experiences related to Korea or Korean culture, people, way of life, tradition, entertainment and tour, etc.? If so, what Korea means to you?

If you have any interest in Korea or Korean culture, what's it? And what made you interested in it?

Please share these thoughts, experiences and impressions of Korea in a 3-minute video, "To me, Korea is..."

4. Guidelines

ㅇ First, make a video no longer than 3 minutes.
ㅇ Second, upload the video on YouTube or any other legal video-sharing website.
ㅇ Third, visit the contest website (http://www.publicdiplomacy.go.kr/video.jsp), fill in the application form and register your video entry.

※ English or Korean submissions are preferred. However, if the language is not in Korean or English, videos should either include Korean or English subtitles.

5. Awards

Prize Number of video entries Award
Grand Prize 1 Kia car
Gold Prize  1 LG Notebook PC
Silver Prize 3 Samsung Tablet PC
Bronze Prize  5 Samsung Digital Camera
Outstanding Achievement Award  30 LG Bluetooth Earset
Outstanding Effort Award   60 LG USB Memory (64GB)
● In regards to the Grand Prize, all the taxes and related costs of registration, transportation and delivery, etc. shall be paid by the recipient. Upon recipient's request, an equivalent cash may be provided; in this case, the amount shall be transferred to the bank account of the recipient and any banking charges may be deducted from the amount.
● In the case no video entry qualifies for Grand/Gold/Silver/Bronze prizes, any of those categories may be ELIMINATED or may be subject to CHANGE.

6. Notification of Results

ㅇ Date: July 14, 2014 (Monday)
ㅇ The result will be announced on the contest website
    (http://www.publicdiplomacy.go.kr/video.jsp) and informed individually to the awards recipients.
※ This may be delayed if the screening process takes longer than expected.

7. Legal Notices

ㅇ Prizes will be forfeited if a video clip is plagiarized or has received an award from another contest.
ㅇ The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Korea (MOFA) will have the right to post, print, publish or otherwise use the contest submissions.
ㅇ Any legal issues concerning portrait rights or copyright violations arising from a video submission are soley the legal responsibility of the contestant.

8. Inquiries & Contact

ㅇ Inquiries: 2014vcontest@gmail.com
ㅇ Contact
   - Abroad: Please consult with the cultural attache of your nearest Korean Embassy or Consulate.

   - In Korea: Please call at +82-2-2100-8113, 8111 (Seoul)
                     Cultural Cooperation Division,
                     Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Korea (MOFA).


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