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2014 Postdoctoral Fellowship Program for European Region

  • Date Apr 04, 2014

2014 Postdoctoral Fellowship Program for European Region

◈ Program Outline
The purpose of the postdoctoral fellowship is to support the full-time research of rising scholars who have recently earned a Ph.D. in a Korea-related topic at a university or research organization located in the European region.

◈ Applicant Eligibility
Rising scholars with a recent Ph.D. in the humanities, social sciences, arts or culture on a Korea-related topic must fulfill the following criteria:
- Has citizenship or permanent residency status in a country outside Korea
- Has not been awarded a position at a university equivalent or exceeding that of a full-time lecturer or designated as a senior researcher of a research institution
- Has obtained a Ph.D. degree within the past five years
- A Ph.D. candidate who is scheduled to receive a Ph.D. degree by September 1, 2014

◈ Important Reminders on Application Process- Postdoctoral fellows receiving research stipends under this fellowship program must be registered and conduct research at a major overseas university in the European region that offers a Korean Studies program and has a Korean Studies faculty and library collection.
- Postdoctoral fellows may not conduct research at the university from which he or she obtained his or her Ph.D. degree.
- Recipients of the Postdoctoral Fellowship may not hold concurrent fellowships from either the Foundation or any other institution.
   **If you receive a scholarship from another institution, the Foundation will cease its support and request a reimbursement of the grant fund.
- Fellowship recipients must enroll in the applied program in the semester indicated on the application. Admission may not be deferred to the following year.
- Recipients may receive the KF postdoctoral fellowship only once. Those who have already received the fellowship may not reapply.

◈ Number of Available Fellowships
Approx. 2

◈ Supported Activities
All aspects of academic research, including the editing of one’s doctoral dissertation for publication

◈ Grant Period
1 year (September 1, 2014 to August 31, 2015)

◈ Grant Amount
Research stipend (will be determined based on actual costs)

◈ Application Schedule
- Application Deadline: April 30, 2014 (KST)
- Notification of Acceptance: (late) July 2014

◈ How to apply
Click on the “Apply” button at the bottom of this program announcement and complete the online application form
- The “Apply” button is only activated during the application period (from March 31, 2014 to April 30, 2014)
- The application form and all other required ation must be submitted in Korean or English.

◈ Required s
- Online application form
- Supplemental materials (to be uploaded to online application)
   ① Resume/Curriculum Vitae
      : including information about educational experience, professional experience, fellowships and grants received in the past and a list of research accomplishments and publications.
   ② Detailed Research Proposal (include an explanation of the following elements in free format, not exceeding 5 pages)
      : Detailed explanation of the planned research project including its goals, area of research and its significance for the field of Korean Studies, description of the selected research methodology and materials, description of the progress made thus far and the extent of progress planned during the fellowship period, reasons why the research project must be conducted at the affiliated institution chosen by the applicant
   ③ One copy of each of research stay request(s) made to affiliated institution(s)
      : Before submitting the postdoctoral fellowship application, applicants must send each institution (research institutes or universities) at which they would like to conduct research a request for a postdoctoral research stay. A copy of each request must be attached in PDF format to the online application package submitted to the Foundation.
         ※ The applicant may submit no more than three requests.
         ※ Listed institution(s) may not be changed after submitting the application
   ④ Letter of acceptance from the affiliated institution (if any)
   ⑤ Ph.D. dissertation
      : Dissertation abstract, table of contents, chapter summaries, one sample chapter, publication plan (free format)
   ⑥ Copy of Ph.D. diploma certification
For those who received the Ph.D. diploma after the application submission period, he/she should submit a copy of the Ph.D. diploma certificate by August 31, 2014. If the selected fellow is unable to do so by this date, the Foundation will cancel its support.
   ⑦ Graduate school transcripts
   ⑧ Three (3) Letters of Reference (including one from your Ph.D. dissertation supervisor)
      : After an applicant files an online application, the KF’s Online Application Portal system will automatically send an email to the recommender provided by him or her. The email will request that the recommender write a letter of reference and upload it onto the KF URL. Therefore, applicants should make sure that their recommenders are informed before beginning the application process.

◈ Responsibilities of Fellowship Recipients
① Full-time research: Fellowship recipients must devote the fellowship period entirely to conducting research as stated in the submitted research proposal. Recipients are permitted to teach at their affiliated institution to the extent that teaching activities do not interfere with their research (limit of 1 course per term).
② Participation in academic activities of the affiliated institution
Postdoctoral fellowship recipients are required to participate in academic activities of the host institution during their research stay.
③ Submission of a final report: Fellowship recipients are required to submit a final report within 15 days of the end of the fellowship period detailing the progress made during this period and drafted using the standard report form provided herein.
④ Further reporting requirements: Even after the expiration of the Fellowship period, recipients must report to the Foundation about research results, any major activities involved in and/or status of scholarly debut in academia.
⑤ Publication requirement: Postdoctoral fellowship recipients must revise their doctoral dissertation during the fellowship period and publish it as a book or as a research paper within five years of the end of the fellowship period.

◈ Further Inquiries
- Mr. Jaejin Choi, Director, KF Berlin Office (Contact information: jjchoi@kf.or.kr / +49-30-2606-5458)
- Regarding online portal system: helpdesk@kf.or.kr



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