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2014 KF Graduate Studies Fellowship for European Region

  • Date Apr 04, 2014

2014 KF Graduate Studies Fellowship for European Region

◈ Program Outline
The purpose of this fellowship program is to foster a new generation of Korean Studies scholars by providing scholarship support to students who are currently enrolled in an MA or PhD program in Korean Studies in the European region.

◈ Applicant Eligibility
MA or Ph.D. students currently enrolled in a graduate program in the European region on a Korea-related topic in the humanities, social sciences, arts or cultural studies
-Must be a registered student at the university of the enrolled program
-Foreign citizenship or permanent residency status
-Excluded programs: natural science, medicine, engineering, MBA, law school, graduate school of translation and interpretation

◈ Important Reminders on Application Process
-Fellowship eligibility for recipients is as follows:
   MA degree: up to 2 consecutive years
   Ph.D degree: up to 3 consecutive years
-Applicants must reside in the country of the university at which they are registered. Those who are currently residing outside the country of the university will not be considered.
-Applicants proficient enough in Korean to be able to use Korean primary sources for their study and research are especially encouraged to apply.
-Recipients of the Graduate Studies Fellowship may not hold concurrent fellowships from either the Foundation or any other third-party institution.
-Fellowship recipients must enroll in the program applied to at the semester indicated on the application. Admission may not be deferred to the following year.

◈ Number of Available Fellowships: Approx. 15 per year

◈ Grant Period: 1 year (September 1, 2014 to August 31, 2015)

◈ Grant Amount
- M.A. students: 7,200 euro per year
- Ph.D. students: 12,000 euro per year

◈ Application Schedule
- Application Deadline: April 30, 2014 (KST)
- Notification of Acceptance: (late) July, 2014

◈ How to Apply
Click on the “Apply” button at the bottom of this program announcement and complete the online application form.
-The “Apply” button is only activated during the application period(April 1 to April 30, 2014).
-The application form and all other required ation must be submitted in Korean or English.

◈ Required s
-Completed online application
-Supplemental materials (uploaded to online application)
   ① Research Proposal (must not exceed 3 pages)
      • Download and fill out the Foundation\'s Research Proposal form(attached) and then upload the completed form to the Online Application.
      • Applicants who are applying for a second/third fellowship period should describe the progress made during the previous fellowship period
   ② Transcript
      • Master level: Grade transcript of undergraduate degree
      • Doctoral level: Grade transcript of Master’s degree (New applicants should upload also Transcript for the B.A. degree)
   ③ Three (3) Letters of Reference
      • Dissertation supervisor: 1 copy
      • A professor who is qualified to assess your research proposal: 1 copy
      • An individual who is able to verify your Korean language competency: 1 copy
※After an applicant files an online application, the KF’s Online Application Portal system will automatically send an email to the recommender provided by him or her. The email will request that the recommender write a letter of reference and upload it onto the KF URL. Therefore, applicants should inform their recommenders of this before beginning the application process.

◈ Responsibilities of Fellowship Recipients
1. Submission of a final report
   Fellowship recipients are required to submit a final report within one month of the end of the fellowship period, detailing the progress made during this period. The final report must be drafted and submitted using the standard report form provided herein.
2. Further reporting requirements
   Fellowship recipients, upon obtaining their degree, are required to submit a copy of their MA thesis or Ph.D. dissertation to the Foundation.

◈ Further Inquiries
-Mr. Jaejin Choi, Director of KF Berlin Office
-Contact information: jjchoi@kf.or.kr / +49-30-2606-5458
-Regarding online portal system : helpdesk@kf.or.kr



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