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Publication Support Program (2015)

  • Date Aug 01, 2014

Publication Support Program (2015)

To promote a better understanding of Korea and its culture throughout the global community, the Korea Foundation offers financial support to publishers for the publication of Korea-related books in non-Korean languages. The Korea Foundaiton has supported the publication in 33countries with 21 languages.

The Publication Support Program (2015) is outlined below for publishers with an interest in applying for this assistance.

Program Overview

Program Overview
Publishers in Korea and abroad
-Individual writers and translators are not eligible to apply for program assistance.
-Publishers can submit applications for a maximum of two (2) publications.
•Newly written books
•Translations of original works
Eligible Areas Publications on Korea related to such areas as the humanities, social sciences,
culture, and the arts, in non-Korean languages
•Conference proceeding compilations, research papers, and essay collections
•Periodicals, including special editions
•Anthologies with more than 50% of the content being previously published articles/essays
•Museum catalogues/guidebooks
•Translation/publication of literary works

Program Support

Program Support
section Project Items Program Support
(maximum per project)
Newly written
Portion of publication costs
(composition, paper, printing, )
Domestic publishers: 10,000,000 won
Overseas publishers: $10,000
Portion of publication costs and translation fees Domestic publishers: 20,000,000 won
Overseas publishers: $20,000
Writer’s remuneration, copyright fees, and proofreading fees are not eligible for program support.
-For translations, copyright arrangements need to be finalized at the time of application.
Obligations of
•Acknowledgment of the Korea Foundation’s program support as part of the book’s acknowledgement section
•Provide the Foundation with 20 complimentary copies of the publication and submission of “Completion of Publication Project” report to the Foundation (program form will be provided to approved support recipients)
•Offer the Foundation a price discount of at least 30 percent, should the Foundation request the purchase of additional copies of the publication
•Provide information about the sales and distribution of the publication to the Foundation, upon request.

Program Schedule

Program Schedule
Application period August 1, 2014 through September 30, 2014
Notification of support approval December 2014
Support period From January 1 to December 31, 2015.
-The projects approved for program assistance should be published within 12 months after receipt of the Foundation’s approval of program support.
Application period Screening of eligible applications Notification of approved projects Publication and program support
August 1 - September 30, 2014 October - November 2014 December 2014 January - December 2015

Application Process

Application Process
How to apply Access to https://apply.kf.or.kr/main.nkf?lang=en_US Click the “Apply” button at the bottom of this program announcement and complete the online Application form.
Required s 1. Completed Application form
   •Applicant institution information
   •Project proposal
   •Project budget

2. Supplemental materials (attach to Application form)
   •Resume of author (translator for translation works) -Foundation form
   •Summary of the manuscript (English, 3-5 pages) -Free form
   •Recommendation and commentary
   -For newly written books: recommendation letter of manuscript from 2 experts -Free form (including expert’s brief resume)
   -For translation works: the original author’s authorization/commentary of the translation -Free form
   -Applicants are required to submit s in PDF file format
Full manuscript •A hard copy of the “completed manuscript” should be submitted by postal mail and a file copy submitted by e-mail
•In the case of a translation work, the “original book” (hard copy) together with the “completed translation” (hard copy and file copy) should be submitted.
  -Postal Address: 19th floor, CENTER1 Building West Tower, 26 Eulji-ro 5-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul 100-210, Korea   (Attention: Digital Programs & Media Department)
  -E-mail: publication@kf.or.kr
  Submission should postmarked before September 30, 2014.

Go to KF Application Portal(Open in new window)

Evaluation Criteria

1. Quality of the manuscript
2. Eligibility of the applicant
3. Appropriateness of project budget
4. Expected outcomes

Contact Information

Digital Programs & Media Department
For additional information please contact by email
-e-mail: publication@kf.or.kr

Inquiry for literature publication support, please refer to the Literature Translation Institute of Korea

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