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2015 Recipients of Publication Support Program Grant

  • Date Dec 10, 2014

2015 Recipients of Publication Support Program Grant

The Korea Foundation is pleased to announce the 9 grant recipients(listed below) of the Publication Support Program for 2015.

Of the total 26 applications received, recipients were selected following an evaluation by specialists and a final review by the screening committee. Concerning the subsequent grant-awarding procedures and conditions, the Korea Foundation will contact selected publishers individually.

No Publisher Title Author/Translator Language
1 Intellectual Property Publishing House 韓国人类学百年(한국인류학백년) Cui Haiyang Chinese
2 Columbia University Press The Capitalist Unconscious:
From Korean Unificationto Transnational Korea
Park Hyun Ok English
3 Kyoto University Press Dokkaebi’ and Korean Visual Culture Tetsuya Suzuki Japanese
4 Rutgers University Press Movie Migrations:
Transnational Genre Flows and South Korean Cinema
Mitchner Leslie English
5 University of Hawaii Press Painted Gods in Markets, Shrines, and Museums:
Korean Shaman Paintings in the Twenty-First Century
Kendall Laurel English
6 IMAGOMUNDI PRESS Historical Memories and Imagined Realities:
Korea. Japan Relations in the New Korean
Alvarez Maria Del Pilar Spanish
7 College de France - Institute of Korean Studies ETRE CORÉENS AU KAZAKHSTAN Yim Eunsil French
8 Korea University Press(고려대학교) Korean Philosophy:
Sources and Interpretations
Shon Yoo-ta English
9 HUFS Knowledge Press(한국외대) The truth of the East Sea and the Sea of Japan 권원순 English


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