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Korean History Workshop for Overseas Doctoral Students

  • Date Jul 06, 2015

Korean History Workshop for Overseas Doctoral Students

한국어바로가기(Korean)   Applying for Program

To Promote Korean history-related research and education abroad, the Korea Foundation will be hosting the "Korean History Workshop for Overseas Doctoral Students."

This workshop will consist of lectures given by domestic and foreign historians along with presentations covering a wide range of topics from participants; it will be a valuable opportunity for next-generation Korean history scholars to strengthen their research expertise while enabling them to build a network.

○ Date: Tuesday, July 21, 2015 - Saturday, July 25, 2015
○ Venue: Somerset Palace Seoul
○ Hosted and Organized by: The Korea Foundation
○ Participants: Approximately 30 overseas doctoral students and Korean history scholars from 10 different countries

The workshop opened with a keynote lecture on Korea's history related field, presentations on current Korean history-related issues, and presentations on history-related research topics and trends in Korea. If you would like to attend the workshop, please pre-register.

※ Only pre-registered attendees (online only) will be able to attend this workshop.
Please note that registration will close early when the number of pre-registered people exceeds participation capacity.
On-site registration will not be possible.

▷ Pre-registration Period: Monday, July 6 - Wednesday, July 15
▷ Announcement of Participant List: Thursday, July 16. Participants will be notified of results individually via email (priority given to applicants in related fields).

○ The Program of July 21 Open to the Pre-registration

○ Program (7. 21)
시간 내용
09:00-09:30 Opening Ceremony
09:30-10:00 Keynote Speech: History of Korea and Nationalism
Chair Professor of the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (Professor Emeritus of Seoul National University, Former President of the Northeast Asian History Foundation)
10:00-10:10 Break
10:10-12:00 Presentations on Current Korean History-related Issues
Korea-Japan Relations: Professor Cheol Hee Park, Director of Institute for Japanese Studies, Seoul National University
Korea-China Relations: Professor Hee Ok Lee, Director of Institute for Chinese Studies, Sungkyunkwan University
Historical Background of Territorial Disputes in the Northeast Asia: Professor Tae-Gyun Park, Graduate School of International Studies, Seoul National University
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-15:30 Presentations on History-related Research Issues and Trends in Korea
Period of Joseon Dynasty: Professor Soo Chang Oh, Seoul National University
Japanese Colonial Period: Professor Michael Kim, Graduate School of International Studies, Yonsei University
Cold War Period: Professor Byung-Joon Jung, Ewha Woman’s University
Contemporary Development Period: Professor Tae-Gyun Park, Graduate School of International Studies, Seoul National University
15:30-15:40 Break
15:40-17:30 Presentations on Korean History-related Research Issues Overseas
Russia: Professor Sergei Kurbanov,Saint Petersburg State University
North America: Nam Hee Lee, University of California at Los Angeles
Japan: Professor Satoshi Ikeuchi, Nagoya University
China: Professor Xiuyu Jiang, Yanbian University
Europe: Proessor Anders Karlsson, SOAS, University of London

○ Contact Information: Korean Studies Department / yeunpark@kf.or.kr /02-2046-8535

○ Map

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