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[Invitation] KF Theme Field Trip

  • Date Feb 21, 2018

KF Theme Field Trip for Foreign Residents in Korea


The KF Global Center is glad to announce the "KF Theme Field Trip" for foreign residents in Korea in celebration of the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games. The field trip seeks to enhance participants' understanding of Korea's history and culture. In addition to providing them with the opportunity to visit areas outside of Seoul, the field trip will also enable participants to make new friends.


▪ Date: March 10-11, 2018
▪ Venue: Gangneung, Gangwon Province
▪ Theme: Understanding Korea through the Olympics
▪ Language: English/Korean
▪ Eligible Applicants: Foreign Residents (Non-Korean nationality) in Korea
▪ Point of Departure: Mirae Asset Center 1 Building West Tower, 26 Eulji-ro 5-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea

Date Activity
March 10 (Saturday)
Departure: 10:00 am
Seoul → Gangneung
Ojukheon House & Municipal Museum
Heo Gyun, Heo Nanseolheon Memorial Park
Paralympic Ice Hockey (preliminary match)
March 11 (Sunday)
Arrival: Approx. 7:00 pm
Lecture and Networking Program
Gyeongpodae Pavilion &
Pyeongchang Olympic Promotion Experience Center
Gangneung → Seoul

※ The program is subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances.
※ Participants will be divided into two groups (Korean and English speakers) but all participants will follow the same schedule.

Application Period

▪ February 21 - March 1, 2018

Announcement of confirmed participants

▪ March 2, 2018 (Friday)

* The confirmed participants will be announced on March 2 (after 3:00 pm) on the KF bulletin board. Detailed information will be sent via individual email. To access the KF bulletin board, select “Get involved” on the top menu on the KF website and click on “Announcement” on the left-hand side menu.

* KF will notify selected participants individually via email and ask them to confirm their participation by March 5 (Monday). If any of the selected participants fail to respond in time, they will automatically lose their placement. The KF will then reallocate any open slots to applicants on the waiting list.

* Should you not be able to attend the field trip, please contact us via email (kf_lecture@kf.or.kr) as soon as possible so that other applicants can participate in your stead. Please note that anyone failing to attend the field trip without prior notice is subject to refusal of admission for upcoming KF events.

Before applying for this field trip, please read the following information.

* In general, participants will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. (If there are more applicants than spaces available, the KF reserves the right to select participants based on its desire to achieve diversity within the group.)

* Participants are required to attend the entire program. (Selective participation in only some items on the itinerary is not possible.)

* The KF will provide shared accommodation for one night, round-trip transportation, and meals during the program. (Two participants will share a twin room with bathroom.)

* The program and scheduled activities are subject to cancelation or postponement due to the emergence of unexpected circumstances or a security-risk .

* The program can accept a maximum of 50 participants. If the KF receives more than 80 applications, the application link will be turned off.


▪ KF Global Center | kf_lecture@kf.or.kr


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