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‘Espresso Design’ Exhibition

  • KF Activities
  • ‘Espresso Design’ Exhibition


‘Espresso Design’ Exhibition

The KF is set to hold an exhibition with the theme of Espresso Design together with the Italian Cultural Institute in Seoul and Gruppo Cimbali’s Museum of Espresso Coffee Machines (MUMAC). The exhibition, to be held at KF Gallery on June 9–July 6, will introduce various espresso coffee machines and a coffee archive, detailing the history of Italian coffee and exploring how Italy has become a global coffee power. The exhibition will also present photos of attractive cafés from the global village taken by renowned photographers.
  The exhibition will be accompanied by an espresso tasting party and barista’s lecture, where all coffee lovers are welcome. Further information is available at the KF website (www.kf.or.kr) and KF Gallery Facebook page (www.facebook.com/koreafoundationgallery).

Event Schedule

  • home   KF Gallery
  • date   6/9–7/6 Mon–Fri 11 a.m.–8 p.m. Sat 11 a.m.–5 p.m.
  • call   KF Global Center


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